Year of Warrant - 1912
The Lodge meets at the Masonic Temple, Kurunegala, on the second Saturday in the months of January, February, May, July, September and November, with the Installation held in February.
In 1912, a petition was submitted to UGLE, praying for establishment, at Kurunegala, a lodge to be designated "The Kurunegala Lodge." The Lodge was subsequently consecrated on Saturday 11th January 1913 at the Town Hall, Kurunegala.
Initially the Crest of the Lodge was the Square and Compasses in light blue until in 1932 a new crest designed by W. Bro. J.S. Kennedy was adopted. The Lodge crest was redesigned to its current form by W. Bro. C.M. Jennings and was used on the Lodge summons for the first time in March 1937.
In 1924 the Lodge decided to build a Masonic Temple in Kurunegala at a site offered by the Chairman of the Kurunegala Local Board. However in 1927 a member of the Lodge, Bro. T.B.L. Moonemalle donated a very suitable site. Plans for the proposed new Temple were drawn up by Bro. Meadows. On 14th March 1936 W. Bro. E.B. Creasy, Deputy District Grand Master for Ceylon in the presence of 34 members and 56 visitors, dedicated the new Temple, which is the present one.
In 1939 the Lodge had qualified as a Patron Lodge of the Royal Masonic Hospital and the certificate was hung up in the entrance hall of the Temple.
In the 1970s, it was traditional for the wives of members to prepare the Installation Dinner and a Vote of Thanks was proposed to them during the latter part of the Dinner. However in recent years the Installation Dinners had been held in more comfortable surroundings at a hotel in Kurunegala.