The Masonic Temple - Kurunegala
No. 161, Colombo Road, Kurunegala 60000, Sri Lanka
On the 9th November 1929 at a meeting of the Kurunegala Lodge an item on the summons of the Lodge Agenda read as follows:-
"It was also disclosed at the meeting a sum of Rs.4,000/- was available in the Lodge Building Fund and that if the members could be persuaded to make their personal contribution the shortfall of Rs.6,000/- can be met and the, total sum of Rs.10,000/- was achievable."
Also due to the generosity of a member of Kurunegala Lodge namely Bro. Moonemalle, a very valuable piece of land was made available to Kurunegala Lodge to be utilised for the purpose of construction of a new Temple.
In a letter dated 3rd April, 1930, W.Bro. E.B. Creasy informed the Master and his Wardens that he had been appointed Trustee, in regard to the land and premises for the new Masonic Temple.
Bro. Moonemalle, SW in particular must have been personally aware of the great inconvenience and many hardships the Kurunegala Brethren must have suffered whenever they held meetings at the Town Hall”.
In addition to which a Brother Meadows although not a member of Kurunegala Lodge had agreed to assist the Kurunegala Brethren to erect the building. In fact Kurunegala Lodge has to be thankful to Bro. Meadows for the artistic & eminently practical features incorporated in the design of the Building because it had been planned so that on the one hand provision is made for the addition at some future date with the minimum of structural alterations for a second storey to be constructed, and similarly on the other hand, in the event that the required funds were not immediately forthcoming, a modified structure consisting of a Lodge Room & Entrance could have been completed for the sum of Rs.6,800/-.
At this time there were 70 members on the active list of the Lodge and thus the new Masonic Temple at Kurunegala became a reality when the foundation was laid on Saturday, 11th May 1935 by W. Bro. E.B. Creasy, PGD, Deputy District Grand Master who then presided at its dedication on 14th March 1936.