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Year of Warrant - 1902

​The Lodge meets at the Victoria Masonic Temple, Colombo on the third Thursday in the months of January, March, May July, September and November. Lodges of Instruction are held on the first Thursday of these months. Installation in January.

The Duke of Connaught Lodge, is named after the first Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, Prince Arthur William, the third (and favourite) son of Queen Victoria and the Prince Consort Albert. 


Prince Arthur who entered the Royal Military Academy in 1866, had a distinguished Army career and rose to the rank of Field Marshal in 1902 (the year this Lodge was Consecrated). In 1879 he married Princess Louise Marguerite of Prussia and their eldest daughter, Margaret, married a Swedish Crown Prince (who later became King Gustav VI).


At the turn of the 20th century, with more and more British subjects, (many of whom were Freemasons), arriving in Ceylon to serve in the British Army or assume positions in the Colonial Offices the need for more Lodges was felt. Prior to 1902, there were only five Lodges under the English Constitution (of which four still function). Hence, when it was decided to consecrate a new Lodge, it was logical to name it after the Duke of Connaught, who was both of the Royal Blood and a distinguished Military General well known in the sub-continent.


Of the 43 Freemasons in Ceylon, who paid the Supreme Sacrifice in World War (1914-1918), 3 were members of this Lodge. They were Bro A.S. West, Bro H.J. Graves, and Bro. J.W. Baldock. They are particularly remembered at all "Absent Brethren" toasts in the Lodge.


The Lodge celebrated its centenary on 9th December 2002. 

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